Theme: “Interwoven”
Early this spring I was privileged to be able to lead two workshops and be recorded in a Podcast Interview at this year’s Christian Community Health Fellowship National Conference from March 28-30 in Cincinnati, Ohio. We left snow in Rochester and found daffodils blooming in Cincinnati!
While there, Susan and I were able to stayed with our son Nathan and his wonderful wife Kari and their kids in their new Victorian house near the campus of the University of Cincinnati where Nate is on faculty. After the weekend, we took off for a road trip through Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, and Pennsylvania, but that’s another story.
I’ve compiled a PDF containing some of the highlights of the conference for me and listed links to my presentations below for your possible interest:
- Bridges to Spiritual Care – Presentation PDF and PPT: Breakout Handout, Bridging Tips, Jesus JPG, Booklist
- Proclaiming Good News Along the Real Life Continuum – Presentation PDF and PPT: Breakout Handout, Lord’s Prayer, Kingdom Story, Booklist
- Integrated Spiritual Care Podcast Interviews – Introduction and Conclusion
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